Saturday, October 13, 2012


Saturday's at my house are pretty much routine when it comes to housework. Laundry, laundry and did I mention laundry? I am always amazed that three people can make so much. And, I am convinced that because of the fall that part of the "curse" included laundry! After all in the Garden of Eden there were no clothes!

I don't have a laundry room: it has been on my wish list for 30 years! However, I do have a laundry couch! Most of the time since it is covered with clean clothes in various stages of folding you can't actually even see the coach. (My housekeeping secrets are out! )

Well this morning I was determined to make progress on the huge pile and started folding and sorting early. I leave the sock pile until last--it is usually large and as you all know can be a frustrating task. After all, there all always more socks that come out of the dryer than go in. And, need I mention the unmatched socks that multiply weekly?

As I sat and folded and sorted, my son, who has the most amazing way with words, said to me "mom, look--it's sock-a-geddon". Referring to the large pile of socks that dared me to pair them up with out any left overs! I had to smile, who would have thought that these gray and white and black and brown tubes of cloth would bring me such joy?

No, I haven' t lost it..... yet. Believe it or not I was thinking how grateful I was to have two strong hardworking men in my life that gave me these socks to lovingly take care of. Well, maybe lovingly is a bit overstating it. I thought of many verses as I plundered the laundry pile:

Do all things without grumbling or disputing;

Whatever you dodo your work heartily
as for the Lord rather than for men,
in everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

I am sure that theologians out there might argue that laundry was not in mind when these verses were written; I beg to differ. Because my God who knows every hair on my head, every thought that I have, knew that on this day He could give me a smile in this little moment in time as I thought of Him and those very verses.

So, what is your sock-a-geddon? 

Well, gotta go, I see a pair still hanging on the line..........

1 comment:

  1. Years later, Sockageddon still rages on... and now it's moved to MY house!
