Tuesday, February 16, 2010

my beloved and chocolate

I had the privilege of sharing yet another wedding day of a very special couple this past weekend. Normally I am very "Martha" like and am not happy unless I am busy serving, fussing and generally attending to details. God had a different plan for me this time and I was at the ceremony sharing intimate moments with a sweet couple who love the Lord, serve Him gladly and were all about doing things His way.

You have heard about brides "glowing" on their wedding day, however, this was one bride who always let her light shine....she was always glowing about Christ. This past summer I taught the high school girls Sunday School class and we walked through the fruit of the spirit found in Galatians chapter five:

22But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. 24And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.

As we discussed these characteristics one person's name always came up as being a good example and it was this lovely young bride. No, she is not perfect, and I dare say that marriage will quickly bring out many imperfections, but her heart is one clearly set upon "the things above".

For me the memory I will forever seal in my mind was as the groom was told he could kiss his bride, I held my breath....his trembling hands gently lifted her veil, and in one sweet moment they shared their first kiss together. They had waited and saved this moment for each other and no one else.

What a picture of how God waits for us, wooing, praying, desiring for us to come to Him in much the same way. Willingly, excitedly, full of wonder and awe that He chose us. And He lifts the veil of confusion that as unbelievers blinds us to the truth, but as we step into the light, His glorious light we can see like we never have before and we have truly become His beloved.

Oh, and one more thing, there was chocolate. Need i say more?


1 comment:

  1. How grateful we are that God would use our wedding to stir such sweet thoughts about Himself. Love and miss you Ms. Claudia!
