Saturday, January 23, 2010

shoes on the power line?

This is one of those things I find rather peculiar and I wonder if anyone else has ever had the same experience. I drive down the same road almost every day. And every day for about two years now, there has been a pair of sneakers that someone threw up on the power line that runs across the street. Actually, there was another pair of shoes in the same area, on another line; dress shoes I think, and I would always look to see if the shoes were still hanging. Well the dress shoes are gone but the sneakers are still blowing in the wind. I wonder if the person that did that, did so just to get people like me wondering why there were shoes hanging from the power lines?

In another similar situation, there was a woman who had a vacuum cleaner hanging, more like clinging to the window sill of her house. I totally never got that at all. She often had other adornments attached to her house but the vacuum stayed for a long time. Then she blacked out all her windows. I know it was a she because I would see her outside on occasion. I am thinking there was a weird voodoo thing going on. There are tales of voodoo things happening on the island where I live. Jut plan weird if you ask me!

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